2018 TEFMA Strategic Asset Management Workshop

9:40am Tuesday, 20 February 2018
4:40pm Wednesday, 21 February 2018
University of Tasmania
Sandy Bay Campus
Sandy Bay, Hobart, Tasmania 7005

On behalf of the TEFMA Board we are delighted to invite you to join us on the 20th and 21st February 2018 at the University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay Campus, Hobart, for the TEFMA Strategic Asset Management Workshop. 

The theme of the two day workshop is Best Practice Strategic Asset Management in the Australasian Tertiary Education Sector with a focus on Sustainability and Innovation. You will hear from a range of industry experts and professional speakers presenting on best practice strategic asset management with sessions on: 

  • The Importance of Strategic Asset Management to the Institutional Strategic Plan 
  • Benchmarking and the use of 'big data' 
  • Contemporary standards for delivering all aspects of asset management 
  • Systems to support good Strategic Asset Management 

Each theme will be followed by a panel Q & A giving all participants the opportunity to discuss and challenge ideas on these very relevant topics. 

A workshop dinner will be held on the night of the 20th which is included in a full registration: we encourage you all to come along and relax with fellow attendees. 

TEFMA runs workshops for members and the greater FM community and aims to provide good value and affordable events; it is thanks to sponsors that these events continue to run. 

Thank you to all members for the ongoing support of TEFMA’s education program; we hope to see your organisation represented in Hobart in February 2018!! 

The Workshop Local Organising Committee

Matt Smith, University of Tasmania
Wayne Millar, Charles Sturt University
Chris Stevens, Lincoln University
Dave Povey, University of Southern Queensland

Contact Information

Additional Information

Program at a Glance
Tuesday 20 February 

  • Keynote Presentation
  • Session 1: The Importance of Strategic Asset Management in the Future of Tertiary Education
  • Session 2: Strategic Asset Management Frameworks and Plans

Wednesday 21 February 

  • Keynote Presentation
  • Session 3: Understanding Your Assets
  • Session 4: Supporting Innovative Practice Through Technology and the use of Big Data

TEFMA Business Partners