Presentation: Dave Curry - The Changing Campus: Going Vertical and CBD Relocations Member Panel
- 18 Jun 2018
- Directors' Forum Presentations
The TEFMA Board would like to extend a warm invitation to attend the 2018 TEFMA Directors' Forum which will be held on Monday 18th June in Melbourne, Victoria.
Leaders in facilities and property management from across Australasian institututions will meet to discuss current issues in the sector. We will hear from influential keynote speakers within and the tertiary sector and beyond.
Registration is open to directors for facilities and property management (i.e. financial Institutional members of TEFMA) who are invited to bring along an additional attendee, either a 2IC; another director of a related department at the IM's institution.
This year the event is being hosted in Melbourne, Victoria. The day will end with a directors' dinner which is always an enjoyable evening for members.
On the 19th and 20th of June there will be a Leasing Management Workshop which is open to all and we encourage you to stay on for this.
We look forward to seeing our colleagues from TEFMA in Melbourne and hope you can make TEFMA's premium one day forum.
The TEFMA Board
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