TEFMA Space Leadership & The Digital Frontier Workshop

12:00am Tuesday, 9 May 2017
12:00am Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Rydges South Bank Brisbane
9 Glenelg Street
South Brisbane, Queensland 4101

TEFMA Space Leadership & the Digital Frontier Workshop
9th & 10th May 2017

On behalf of the TEFMA Board we are delighted to invite you to join with us for the TEFMA Space Leadership and the Digital Frontier Workshop which is being held at Rydges South Bank Brisbane, on the 9th and 10th of May 2017.

The workshop will be structured around 4 key half day sessions:

  • THE NEW ROLE FOR SPACE; looking at the move from the traditional role space has played on the campus to the new paradigm facing us all. This will include reference to new learning environments, impact of the cloud, informal spaces, activity based working and the 24/7 campus. We will look at space modelling, impact on campus culture and the use of big data.
  • TRENDS AND INNOVATION RELATING TO SPACE DATA; changing methodologies in the ways we collect data including automation, timetable data integration, developing metrics and measuring research space.
  • THE IMPACT OF SPACE ON HUMAN BEHAVIOUR; how do we measure a successful space? The impact of new learning environments on space, student experience and the physical environment and innovative space design for staff.
  • SPACE MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING; reviewing the new TEFMA space guidelines, how best to benchmark space planning and management and the link between space management and environmental management.

You will hear from a range of experts who provide leadership in space planning and management, with representatives from member universities and business partners.

Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss and challenge ideas, hear about best practice and share their own knowledge and experience. The workshop will be relevant to a broad range of people working in tertiary education space planning and management, including directors, associate directors, space planners, campus planners, project directors, project managers, and design consultants working within, and providing services to, the tertiary education sector.

The workshop will be held in Brisbane, Queensland on Tuesday 9th of May and Wednesday 10th of May.
Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a campus tour of QUT Gardens Point or QUT Kelvin Grove campuses.

A workshop dinner will be held on the night of Tuesday the 9th which is included in a full registration; we encourage you all to come along and relax with fellow attendees.

TEFMA runs workshops for members and the greater FM community and aims to provide good value and affordable events; it is thanks to sponsors that these events continue to run.

Thank you to all members for the ongoing support of TEFMA’s education program; we hope to see your organisation represented in Brisbane.

See you there!
The Workshop Local Organising Committee

Contact Information

TEFMA Business Partners