05 May 2020
COVID-19 Webinar series
Everyone is still heavily engaged in the response to COVID-19 but what does an eventual return to BAU look like? We are turning to our institutional members and business partners to run a series of webinars that will specifically focus on the recovery phase of our crisis management plans at a time where workshops are not possible. Never waste a good crisis, if you have any thought leading concepts to share we welcome you to get in touch.
Institutional and Associate members we want to hear from you if:
- You have any thought leading concepts that can turn this crisis into an opportunity to ensure our institutions come out the other side of this experience in a stronger position. For example:
(i) what post-COVID-19 teaching models/spaces look like i.e. is a live lecture theatre still relevant and/or necessary; what can a lecture space be converted into;
(ii) with the transitioning of teaching some new courses to an on-line model for the first time can your institution use this as an opportunity to make that change permanent?
(iii) is this an opportunity to take under-utilised spaces off line and not returned to service? - At a time when we will also be working in an environment of severe financial restrictions, do you have any examples of innovative thinking that others could learn from.
- You have examples of, or experience with, a disaster recovery process that you would be prepared to share with other TEFMA members.
- You have any suggestions or concerns about how to develop a plan for a return to BAU that you want to share with other members or have included in the conversation.
Business Partners, we want to hear from you if:
- Your company has expertise in disaster recovery and you would like to share this with our members;
- Your company is involved in service delivery, whether it be operational or capital in nature, and you have been impacted by the downturn in business caused by COVID-19, we would like to understand how we can work together to get back to BAU in the most efficient and effective manner;
- You want to participate in an online conversation that will help to uncover important issues that should be considered by members and business partners during the recovery phase.
Please respond by email to info@tefma.com