TEFMA SAM & TEFMA Space Guidelines' Working Groups EOI
The TEFMA Board, via the Knowledge Services Committee, is launching a new project to review two key TEFMA member resource documents - the TEFMA Strategic Asset Management (SAM) Guideline and the TEFMA Space Planning Guideline.
Expressions of interest are being sought for members to participate in the Review process. The Review will be facilitated by a specialist facilities/asset management Consultant, and the membership will have the opportunity to guide how these important member documents will be reviewed and refreshed. Nominees will be required to bring their subject matter expert knowledge to the project, review drafts, and assist the Consultant as required. Monthly skype meetings are envisaged, with the first meeting to be convened in February 2020. The TEFMA Board requires the Review Project to be completed during by the second half of 2020, for release to members prior to or at the TEFMA Annual General Meeting in September 2020.
An online link has been sent to Institutional Members asking them to nominate a member of their team to actively participate in the review process. If you are interested, speak with your Institutional Member and express your interest through the online submission form.
Nominees are requested to advise:
- What review panel they wish to participate in - SAM or Space Planning;
- A brief outline of their expertise in the subject matter;
- Reasons for nominating to participate; and
- Confirmation of their availability to participate and support from their TEFMA Institutional Member.
Nominations will be assessed by the TEFMA Knowledge Services Committee and will be approved by the Board. Up to eight (8) nominations are being sought for each Guideline.
Submissions close Monday, 16 December
Any queries, please contact the TEFMA Secretariat: info@tefma.com