Maurie Pawsey Scholarship

TEFMA Clever Campus Scholarships
Applications for 2024 are closed.

Visit this page for more information on key dates.

The TEFMA Maurie Pawsey Scholarship is TEFMA’s premier education award.  The intent of the scholarship is to provide the future leaders of the higher education property and facilities management sector with an opportunity to expand their horizons.

The Scholarship contributes to the professional development of a TEFMA member by providing an opportunity each year for a person who is employed by a TEFMA member institution, and is a member of the Association, to attend the annual conference of APPA (US) AUDE (UK) or HEFMA (Southern Africa) and thereafter to visit selected institutions in a study tour relevant to their area of professional practice.  

The successful applicant will be required to produce a comprehensive written or mixed media report of no less than 2,500 words describing the applicant’s study tour, their findings and the resulting benefits for their work and organisation, to be published through the TEFMA website.   

The successful applicant will be required to give a Webinar on their experience and findings and agree to have their report posted in the TEFMA Community Portal.

The scholarship has a value of up to AUD$15,000.00 incl GST.  

The program of institutional visits may occupy several weeks, and a grant of ‘study’ leave or similar for at least the formal portions of the visits, in addition to the time for the conference, will be required from the applicant’s organisation.  The successful applicant may also need additional financial support from their institution to cover travel costs over and above the value of the scholarship. 

Scholarship applications will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria set out below.   

To view application forms and information packs, please refer to Related Resources below.

Application dates

Applications for the TEFMA Maurie Pawsey Scholarship open at the end of March.    

To be considered for the TEFMA Maurie Pawsey Scholarship, applications and supporting material should be received by TEFMA no later than 5pm AEST on the close date as noted on the TEFMA website.  If an extension is required, this request is to be received in writing by the Secretariat by this date. 

Submissions must be made on the official application form.

Scholarship criteria should be addressed in applications.   

Assessment of applications and announcement of scholarship winners

Selection of the successful applicant will be approved by the TEFMA Board following receipt of a recommendation from a panel established to review the applications.

The review panel will include the following members:

  • Deputy Chair, Membership Services Committee
  • General Manager, TEFMA
  • A Past-President of TEFMA
  • Additional panel members may be included at the discretion of the Deputy Membership Services Committee Chair.

Applications will be judged against the published criteria.  Panel deliberations will be confidential and TEFMA’s decision is final.  No correspondence or appeal process will be entered into.

The panel may decide not to award if it deems that no suitable applications have been received.  

More than one scholarship can be awarded in any calendar year.

To ensure we minimise any conflicts of interest, a TEFMA Board member cannot be on the Review Panel if the Applicant is from the Board member’s Institution.

Evaluation of applications for the scholarship will be completed in June / July. The successful applicant will be announced at the TEFMA Awards Dinner, which forms part of the TEFMA Annual  Conference.  Details on the annual Conference will be on the TEFMA website.   Should there be any reason the Awards Dinner is unable to take place in person, an online event will be hosted.


The TEFMA Maurie Pawsey Scholarship is open for applications from individuals employed at least on a 0.6 FTE basis in the facilities department of a TEFMA Member Institution.   

Individuals from any discipline associated with property management, facilities management and/or sustainability in a member institution are encouraged to apply. 

Candidates must be operating at a HEW/HEO 8 or above. 

Only one nomination per institution is permitted each year for this scholarship.

Scholarships will normally be granted to an individual only once.

If the candidate is not already a member of TEFMA, then the host Institutional Member is to arrange for the candidate to become a member of TEFMA.

Scholarship applicants may be required to undertake an interview.

Maurie Pawsey Scholarship criteria

Applications should clearly reference the criteria provided.  Words provided are a prompt only, to assist those completing an application, but are not intended to be exhaustive.  

Applicants should broadly propose a program of travel and research, including attendance at the annual conference of APPA (US) AUDE (UK) or HEFMA (Southern Africa) and thereafter to visit selected institutions in a study tour relevant to their area of professional practice.  

A.      Professional Development

Applicants should include material evidencing their own developing professionalism and should describe their potential to increase the positive impact they can make in property and/or facilities management in their institution, should they be successful in winning the scholarship and undertaking the proposed study tour.

Applicants should describe how their proposed program of travel and research, including attendance at a nominated conference, in accordance with the TEFMA Maurie Pawsey Scholarship guidelines, will assist them in broadening their knowledge of tertiary facilities management.  

Applications should include reference to institutions proposed to be visited in a study tour following attendance at the conference; why they have been selected, and what the applicant hopes to learn as a result of the activity. 

Applicants should clearly demonstrate how the scholarship will professionally benefit both themselves and their Institution. 

B.      Leadership

Applications should demonstrate that the applicant is developing leadership skills in a current role.

Applicants should provide recent examples of workplace tasks or situations where they showed strong leadership, recognised as such by their peers and/or supervisor. 

Applications may reference some or all of the following:

  • Leadership attributes:  Describe your leadership role requirements and the attributes needed to perform it successfully.   Describe how the attributes you have displayed have resulted in creation of an environment to enable achievement of outstanding outcomes.   
  • Organisational relationships:  Describe your work with a team, and the attributes required to gain positive outcomes.  Describe how your professionalism in organisational relationship management resulted in excellent performance outcomes.  
  • Customer relationships:  Describe the skills you needed in client relationship management to provide the required services. Describe how your customer relationship management skills resulted in customer needs and expectations being met and / or exceeded. 

C.     Representation

Applications should demonstrate that the applicant is developing representation skills in a current role.

Applicants should provide recent examples where they represented their Department or Institution, at a senior level, within or external to the Institution.  

Applications may reference some or all of the following:

  • Representation attributes:  Describe your representation role requirements and the attributes needed to perform it successfully.   Describe how the attributes you displayed enabled you to represent your organisation appropriately. 
  • Knowledge:  Describe the knowledge you needed to represent your department or institution and the attributes you required to successfully convey your knowledge of the situation. 
  • Relationships:   Describe the types and roles of the other people involved in the situation, and the skills you were required display to interact with them and successfully represent your organisation.

D.     TEFMA Participation

Applications should demonstrate that the applicant has a continuing interest in TEFMA and appreciates the value of participating in TEFMA activities. 

Applicants should demonstrate their knowledge of the mission and workings of TEFMA by referencing some or all of the following:

  • Active participation you may have had with TEFMA in the past.
  • Recent understanding you have developed about the activities of TEFMA.
  • Ways in which you would be interested in contributing to TEFMA in the future.  
  • Suggestions with respect to future activities that TEFMA could undertake to expand its work in the higher education property and facilities management sector.


Application Form


1.     To be considered for this scholarship you must provide the following:

  • Completed application form 
  • Supporting materials (if any)
  • Details of any additional material to be made available should the judging panel choose to make a site visit

2.     All sections of the application form must be complete for an application to be considered. 

3.     Applications must be endorsed and signed by the relevant Institutional Member.

4.     Applications must be submitted online via the Online Submission Portal.

5.     Save your file name as YOURSURNAME_AWARDNAME_datesubmitted i.e. SMITH_MPScholarship_15.05.24.  Word or PDF is acceptable.

6.     If you have supporting documents (up to 2 supporting documents can be uploaded), please ensure they are saved as YOURNAME_AWARD NAME_Attachment A or Attachment B i.e. i.e. SMITH_ MPScholarship_ATTACHMENT A

7.    Once you have submitted your scholarship, you will receive an automatic email within 24 hours.  If you do not receive an email, please email the TEFMA Secretariat: to confirm your application has been uploaded correctly.  

8.    Applications are due by 5pm AEST as advised on the TEFMA website unless otherwise agreed.  Please contact the TEFMA Secretariat on +61 2 9431 8692 or with any queries.

9.    Applicants that are shortlisted may be asked to submit a 2-minute video presenting a snapshot of the nominee and their work proposed for the award.

Hints for application preparation

Be factual and positive.  It is important to provide evidence to back up your claims.  As well as describing the situation you are presenting, you should cite actual examples relating to the work done, how well it was carried out, what was achieved, and how it has benefited your institution. 

Responses need not be lengthy, but they should be relevant, include meaningful supporting descriptions, and should demonstrate particular characteristics, qualities or approaches that have resulted in the work making a significant contribution to your organisation.

A submission should anticipate the key points a panel member will be looking for in the responses to the scholarship criteria.  

To maximise your chances of success it is important that you address the scholarship criteria to clearly identify the suitability of your application for consideration as winner of the scholarship. 

When addressing the criteria, you should look for things to highlight that might set you apart from other applicants.  Be clear and to the point and do not exceed word limits.  Edit your responses for grammar, spelling and punctuation.


See Awards & Scholarships Key Dates here.

Congratulations to: 

2024 Maurie Pawsey Scholarship Award Winner

Katharine Adcroft, The University of Melbourne 


TEFMA Scholarships are valid for 2 years after the date awarded. Should the recipient leave their Institution, the Scholarship will no longer be considered valid.