Dear Colleagues,
I trust everyone is staying warm during our winter months! Since the last newsletter, the Board and Executive have been working hard to lead your Association and to ensure we have an informative educational and networking program for you for the remainder of 2024.
Our annual benchmarking process has now closed and the data submitted continues to be of a high standard, and I thank all institutions for their continued support in this very important and valuable data set. The benchmark data will be provided to our partner ARUP who will again be developing the TEFMA Benchmark Insights publication. We are aiming to present a summary of the data at the New Zealand TEFMA Conference in September.
As we release this Newsletter edition, the 2024 TEFMA Clever Campus Awards and Scholarships nominations have just closed and are now being evaluated. I am delighted to advise that the hard work by your Board, Executive and Secretariat in promoting the 2024 TEFMA Clever Campus Awards and Scholarships has paid dividends, with very high-quality submissions received. I look forward to announcing the winners at the TEFMA Gala Awards Dinner in Auckland this September.
I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate Monash University and the University of Melbourne on receiving the FMA’s Global FM Awards for Excellence. The Monash University Building Property Division was the Platinum Winner for Excellence in FM Practice and the University of Melbourne was the Gold Winner for Digital Estate Leadership in Industry Innovation. Well done to both!
Notable TEFMA Committee activities include:
Education Services Committee
– TEFMA 24 Conference planning, monthly webinars and workshops.
Knowledge Services Committee
– refreshing the 2022 TEFMA Space Planning Guideline, aiming for an end 2024 release;
– Scope 3 Emissions guideline, aiming for release end 1Q25.
Information Services Committee
– New and improved website, TEFMA benchmarking data collection and analysis.
Membership Services Committee
– Updated Business Partner benefits handbook, awards and scholarships management, institutional and business partner engagement.
The annual Leaders Forum and the Smarter Data workshop is being held next week in Adelaide. The programmes for both events look great and I will report outcomes in the next newsletter edition. Thanks to our General Manager Matt; our Education Services Committee Chair and Deputy Chair, Kate and Sam; and the Local Organising Committee for bringing informative educational offerings to the membership. Planning is underway for our next workshop, which will be held in Townsville in November and will focus on Capital Design and Delivery.
Things to look out for in 2024!
TEFMA24 Conference - 15-18 September 2024. Planning by the Local Organising Committee is continuing on this year’s Conference in Auckland, Aotearoa / New Zealand and registrations are open. Abstracts have now closed and I am pleased to advise that we were oversubscribed, which is going to make it tough for the assessors! Further details can be found on the official Conference website.
Monthly Webinars. The monthly webinar programme continues to exceed expectations, which is a credit to all members. The next webinar is on 26th June and our Monash colleagues will be presenting on the Fire Safety program they have been rolling out at Monash University. The session has 112 registrations to date (it is free!) so there is still plenty of time to register.
I would like to welcome back Victoria University as a TEFMA Institutional Member (rejoined in May) and our newest Institutional Member - Bendigo Kangan Institute (joined in May). I would also like to welcome our newest Premium Business Partner – Schneider Electric (joined in June). The list of our Business Partners can be found here, and provides a useful list of professional providers that may be able to assist you in achieving your goals and objectives. As always, we extend a big thank you to all our existing Business Partners for the continued support - you are crucial in bringing relevant services to the TEFMA membership.
In closing, can I also remind all members to take the time to jump online and view the TEFMA Community portal with the aim to foster a culture of collaboration through sharing and engaging with the resources available in the library. The information is intended to generate discussion, build relationships with peers, and learn from one another.