Dear Colleagues,
It is with regret that I write to inform you that Jo Riley has resigned as the TEFMA President, effective immediately. Under the TEFMA Constitution and By-Laws, a Board member must be an employee of a higher education institution to hold office, and as Jo recently departed Deakin University, she had no choice but to offer her resignation. As per the TEFMA By-Laws, as the current Vice President I will act in the role of President until we undertake the Call for Board Nominations and President later this year.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Jo for her long and valuable contribution to the TEFMA Board. Jo has served as a Board member since 2021, was elected by the Board as Vice President in 2023 and was subsequently elected and has served as President since September last year. Jo gave tirelessly to the Board and will be missed, and on behalf of the Board and all members, we wish Jo all the very best in her future endeavours.
Following the announcement of Jo’s resignation, the Board convened on 6 March 2025 to appoint a Vice President and a Treasurer. I am pleased to advise that Sam Wishart (La Trobe University) will undertake the Vice President role and Kate Robertson (University of the Sunshine Coast) will assume the Treasurer role.
I wish to reassure TEFMA members that the Board will continue to deliver on its strategic and operational activities moving forward and I look forward to updating you on TEFMA activities in the next Newsletter.
Kind Regards,
Shane Jennings Acting TEFMA President |
For all enquiries, please contact: TEFMA Secretariat
E: Ph: 02 9431 8692 |